Irina Akimova was born in Russia. She graduated from the Moscow State University. Then she worked as mathematics instructor at the Stankin university in Moscow. Though Irina always enjoyed drawing and painting, for long time it was just a hobby for her. With the husband and two sons, Irina arrived to the U.S. in the summer of 2001 and settled in Blacksburg, south-western Virginia. Here Irina started painting more and more — partly as a way to live through the cultural shock of moving to a new country, leaving behind her parents, friends, job, etc. In 2003 she joined the Blacksburg Regional Art Association (BRAA). Since then she participated in several group exhibitions, held two solo shows, and was accepted to several juried shows.
In May 2006, Irina received an M.S. degree in Mathematics from Virginia Tech (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). The experience of being a science graduate student had an unexpected, though quite understandable in hindsight, effect of strengthening her desire to be a full-time artist. In 2007, Akimova moved to Atlanta, GA, where she started collaboration with the Upstairs Gallery in Roswell and U*Space Gallery in Atlanta, where many of her works are now featured. Since 2008 Irina is also a member of the Roswell Fine Arts Alliance (RFAA).
The Artist resides in Atlanta, Georgia.
You can also find additional work by this artist in our Petite Gallery.